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The Long Beach Area of San Vicente in Palawan was selected as one of the first Flagship Tourism Enterprise Zones (TEZ) of the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority. As part of the agreement, a Tourism Master Plan was required to be formulated for the area, in which Palafox Associates was the chosen Consultant.

The Integrated Tourism Master Plan (ITMP) focuses on Cluster 1 and includes proposals for the development of tourism establishments in the area following a set of Design Principles for a viable and sustainable approach.

The Long Beach Tourism Enterprise Zone covers 883.11 hectares. The area averages about 500 meters inland along the whole 14 kilometer stretch of the beach. It is divided into:


  • Area 1 (Poblacion and New Agutaya)
  • Area 2 (San Isidro)
  • Area 3 (Alimanguan)