A TEZ is a tract of land with defined boundaries master planned to be developed into an integrated tourism complex prescribed carrying capacities to host tourism enterprise facilities and services within the property; and designated as such as by the TIEZA Board under R.A.9593.
Based on existing developments in the zone, the TEZs can be classified as: What is a Brownfield Tourism Zone?It refers to an area with existing infrastructure or tourism related development as determined by TIEZA with a minimum area of five (5) hectares.
What is a Greenfield Tourism Zone?It refers to an area with minimal or no existing infrastructure and
tourism related development as determined by TIEZA with a minimum area of five (5) hectares.WHO MAY QUALIFY TO APPLY AS A TOURISM ENTERPRISE ZONE?
Any geographic area with the following characteristics may be designated as a Tourism Enterprise Zone:
- The area is capable of being defined into one contiguous territory;
- It has historical and cultural significance, environmental beauty, or existing or potential integrated leisure facilities within its bounds or within reasonable distances from it;
- It has, or it may have, strategic access through transportation infrastructure, and reasonable connection with utilities infrastructure systems;
- It must be at least five (5) hectares and sufficient in size, such that it may be further utilized for bringing in new investments in tourism establishments and services. Provided that, in extremely meritorious cases, an area less than five (5) hectares may be developed as a TEZ if the Board deems it sufficient for the purposes, requirements and nature of the tourism project to be undertaken therein;
- It is in a strategic location such as to stimulate the sustainable socio-economic development of neighboring communities.
- The area must be situated where controls can easily be established to curtail illegal activities.
The dispersal of economic activities in the least developed areas in the countryside is encouraged. An area in any of the least developed areas identified in the annual Investment Priorities Plan (IPP) shall be given priority in the designation as a Tourism Enterprise Zone.
- Any entity duly incorporated under the Corporation Code and other relevant laws, or
- Any Local Government Unit (LGU) or any instrumentality of the government in the pursuit of their mandate
Cultural Heritage Tourism Zone – Areas that will allow the tourist to experience the places, artifacts and activities that authentically represent the stories of the people living in the area, past or present. The area may include, but will not be limited to:
- Cultural landscapes;
- Historic sites, areas and precincts;
- Ruins, archaeological and maritime sites;
- Sites associated with industrial, scientific and agricultural heritage;
- Collections that house or collectively promote objects of heritage significance;
- Historic places and areas, including villages, small towns, cities and parts of larger urban areas with significant cultural and heritage assets; and
- Museums, Art Galleries, Cultural Centers, Arts & Crafts Shops, and Antique Shops, and Cultural Sites.
Health and Wellness Tourism Zone – Areas that will allow visitors to avail of quality but affordable mainstream, traditional, or alternative healthcare services for treatment of illnesses and health problems in order to maintain one’s health and well-being. The area may include, but will not be limited to enterprises that are, or offer:
- Medical and Allied Services;
- Spas;
- Health Farms;
- Counselling and Rehabilitation Services; and
- Traditional Filipino Touch Therapy.
Eco-Tourism Zone – Areas that will allow visitors to experience a form of sustainable tourism within a given natural and/or cultural area where community participation, conservation and management of biodiversity, respect for culture and indigenous knowledge systems and practices, environmental education and ethics as well as economic benefits are fostered and pursued for the enrichment of host communities and satisfaction of visitors. The area may include, but will not be limited to:
- Sites of scenic natural or rural beauty;
- Areas for observing wildlife;
- Areas for low impact activities such as camping, trekking, climbing, spelunking, diving, surfing, and other similar activities; and
- Sites for observing and interacting with traditional or indigenous practices in relation to the environment.
General Leisure Tourism Zone – Areas that may offer recreational facilities that will have high visitor density. The area may include, but will not be limited to:,/p>
- Golf Parks/Resorts;
- Theme Parks and Amusement Centers;
- Convention and Meeting Centers;
- Sports Complexes/Resorts;
- Event Centers/Resorts;
- Department Stores/Restaurants/Shops; and;
- Zoos
Mixed Use Tourism Zone – Areas that will allow a combination of some or all of the features of the aforementioned zones within one area. Retirement communities and facilities duly accredited by the Philippine Retirement Authority may be located in General Leisure Tourism Zones, Health and Wellness Tourism Zones and Mixed-used Tourism Zones.
The minimum amount of investment required to be entitled to incentives provided under the Act shall not be less than Five Million US Dollars (US $5,000,000.00) exclusive of land acquisition costs. Provided that, in extremely meritorious cases, an amount less than Five Million US Dollars (US $5,000,000.00) may be invested for a Cultural Heritage Tourism Zone or an Eco-Tourism Zone if the Board deems it sufficient for the purposes, requirements and nature of the tourism project to be undertaken therein.
Documentary Requirements for designation
- Duly accomplished TIEZA Application Form;
- SEC Registration Certificate, copies of the articles of incorporation and by-laws; in case of a joint venture, a copy of the joint venture agreement;
- Company Profile, containing basic data/ information on its technical, financial, marketing and management capability/ competence to undertake the proposed project;
- Resolution of the applicant’s board of directors authorizing the filing of the application and the designation of their authorized representative to TIEZA; list of its directors, principal officers, and major stockholders, including their respective bio-data. In the case of an instrumentality of the national government acting in pursuit of its mandate and/or a local government unit an authority from the Head of Agency or Local Chief Executive authorizing the filing of the application and the designation of their authorized representative to TIEZA;
- Vicinity Map reflecting various land uses, important verifiable landmarks within the five (5) kilometers radius of the project site, proximity to transportation and utilities infrastructure, and tourism focal points in the vicinity and their distances from the project site;
- Proof of land ownership and/ or Long-Term Lease Agreement(s) for a period of not less than twenty five (25) years on the entire area of the proposed TEZ ;
- Endorsement letter from the National Historical Institute (NHI) in the case of Cultural and Heritage Tourism Zone, from the Department of Health (DOH) in the case of Health and Wellness Tourism Zone; or from Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) in the case of retirement villages/communities; and
- Other supporting documents/ papers/ clearances as may be required by the TIEZA depending upon the nature of the business and the type of business organization of the applicant.
- Resolution of the concerned LGU approving the development plan;
- Copy of the approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the concerned LGU;
- Verified survey returns and technical description of the land area for the proposed TEZ;
- Environmental Compliance Certificate issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR);
- Clearance/Permit from the concerned Protected Area Management Board if the proposed zone is within a Protected Area;
- Financial statement for (3) years for existing companies;
- Development Plan of the area which shall identify and include the following:
- Tourism focal points and resources available within the proposed TEZ and adjoining areas;
- Features which satisfy the requisites for the designation of a TEZ enumerated under Section 2, Rule II of these Rules;
- Amount to be invested by the applicant in the area;
- Areas for infrastructure development and the kind of development, for investment and the nature of investment, and for preservation and the sustainable activities allowed within preserved areas;
- Public utilities to be operated within the TEZ;
- Medium and long-term studies on market trends, and corresponding development strategies for the TEZ;
- Studies on the economic impact of development within the TEZ and in surrounding communities;
- Studies on the carrying capacity of the TEZ and surrounding communities;
- Design plans for structures incorporating therein measures that should ensure the sustainable development of the area and the surrounding environment, to include the following: the civil and architectural plans that preferably incorporates Philippine design elements and cultural heritage, structural plans, electrical, mechanical, sanitation and design computations, cost estimates and specifications, financial schedules and construction timetable;
- Energy efficiency and climate change mitigation measures to be adopted and implemented in the area; and
- Compliance statement on Development Standards. TIEZA shall in coordination with the Department formulate and enforce development standards for the operation and maintenance of all facilities and structures to be built on all Tourism Zones. The development standards to be formulated and enforced shall be used as basis for the accreditation of tourism enterprises seeking to avail of the incentives under the Act. Such standards shall prescribe the minimum and progressive levels of operating quality and efficiency consistent with local and international standards, such as but not limited to the following:
- Infrastructure Requirements;
- Setback Requirements;
- Consumption of natural resources;
- Sewerage Disposal System;
- Surface Water Disposal;
- Safety and security;
- Site Coverage Density;
- Landscaping;
- Visual Security;
- Roads;
- Vehicle Parking;
- Waste Water Treatment; and
- Ventilation Requirements.
- Other requirements as may be prescribed by the TIEZA Board
- Cost-benefit Analysis Form

Applicaton Form
Schedule Of Fees
Designation of Tourism Enterprise Zone | |
Filing Fee | PHP 1.00 |
Public Fee | PHP 1.00 |
Designation Fee | PHP 1.00 |